Happy Friday!

Hey there, career mavericks!

It's finally Friday, and we're here to give you some light relief and help fill your already overflowing inbox. Welcome to this week's Futurizm newsletter!


  • Futurizm News: 

  • Amazon Interview Tips: 

  • Big Tech Dad Joke (Sorry Not Sorry)

So grab a tasty beverage (alcoholic or otherwise), put your feet up, and chill for a few minutes. You've earned it.

But before we get to all that, we thought we’d have some fun with AI. This week, we asked it to “create an image of a stereotypical big tech recruiter,” and boy, did it deliver! Here’s what it came up with:

At first glance, we have a dashing young man who’s clean-cut and professional. Interestingly, when you look a little closer, you’ll notice he has six fingers on one hand and toes on the other. WTF? You’ll also notice AI isn’t exactly aware of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, choosing to generate an image of a white male every time we prompt it….Make of that what you will… 

Perhaps even more strange was the image below, which shows two giant mics next to our big tech recruiter. Why?!

So, what do you think? Did AI nail the tech recruiter look, or is it way off? We're dying to know your thoughts on this artistic masterpiece (or abomination, depending on your perspective).

Are you feeling creative? Send us your own AI-generated Big Tech images to [email protected]. We might showcase your work of AI art in our newsletter (if it doesn't give us nightmares. Keep it PG, though, folks.

Alright, enough AI shenanigans for now. Let's get down to business.

Futurizm newsflash

We've Been Busy Little Bees!

We've been burning the midnight oil to create exciting new content and offers just for you. We hope you'll be as thrilled as we are with the results (or at least mildly amused).

Introducing... Our Brand-Spanking-New Referral Program!

We wouldn't be here without you, so to show our appreciation (and bribe you to help us grow), we've concocted a referral program that's as simple as it is rewarding.

Forget those flimsy gift cards, useless discount codes, and soul-sucking PDFs. We're talking cold, hard cash. Refer ten friends to our mind-blowing newsletter (because, seriously, who wouldn't want this in their inbox?), and we'll send a crisp £10 straight to your PayPal account. It's that easy. No catches, no gimmicks.

Try not to blow it all on one wild night out, okay? (But if you do, send us pics.)

Get Ready to Poddy Up! 🎧

The inaugural episode of the Futurizm Podcast, hosted by Will and Pete, your favorite tech career gurus (and occasional clowns), is dropping this week.

It’s available on Apple, Amazon and Spotify.

What's on Tap?

Every other week, we'll discuss all things Big Tech careers – from nailing that Google interview to navigating the dreaded layoff minefield. We'll even tackle the juicy stuff, like mouse jigglers (yes, they're real) and the phenomenon of Gen Zers bringing their parents to job interviews. We promise laughs, unfiltered opinions, and value.

Maybe that’s why the AI-generated recruiter had two large microphones?!

Got a Burning Question or Juicy Topic?

We want to hear from you! Shoot your questions and suggestions over to [email protected], and we'll try our best to get you on the airwaves.

Insider Insights: 

Conquering the Amazon Interview

We founded Futurizm to share the secrets we learned as recruiters at Big Tech giants. This week, we're serving up our top 6 tips for acing your Amazon interview:

  • Know Thy Leadership Principles: Amazon's Leadership Principles are your bible. Memorize, internalize, and tattoo them on your arm (okay, maybe not that last one).

  • Do Your Homework: Research the role like your career depends on it (because, let's face it, it does). Show the interviewer you're not just another clueless candidate.

  • CARL is Your Friend: Use the CARL framework (Context, Action, Result, Learning) to structure your answers and organize your thoughts.

  • Data is King (or Queen): Back up your claims with cold, complex data and numbers. Impress the interviewer with your analytical prowess.

  • Ask Away: Prepare insightful questions that show you've done your research and genuinely care about the role.

  • Confidence, Not Cockiness: Nobody likes a braggart. Be humble, but showcase your accomplishments with finesse.

Need some interview practice? Hit us up, and we'll whip you into shape.

Big Tech Dad Joke (Proceed with Caution)

What kind of computer sings the best?........ A DELL!!

Alright, folks, that's all we've got for you this week. Thanks for sticking with us through the dad jokes and career advice. Now, we’ll let you go and enjoy your weekend!


Will Grady (Futurizm Founder)


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