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  • Resume Reality Check, Flipping the Interview Script

Resume Reality Check, Flipping the Interview Script

Here’s your bi-monthly dose of Futurizm goodness delivered straight to your inbox.

Hello there Futurizm fans!

Here’s your bi-monthly dose of Futurizm goodness delivered straight to your inbox.


  • The Podcast: Degrees: Worthless or Worth less? Amazon raises the bar

  • Introducing the Resume Reality Check!

  • Grady’s Gripe: The Dreaded Job Interview: Time to Flip the Script

  • News Tech Shots ICYMI

  • Big Tech Dad Joke


Are university degrees worth the paper they’re written on?

Well, that’s the question we’ll be asking in this week’s Futurizm Podcast. We discuss the travails of one millennial, who despite having two degrees (in journalism), has been unemployed since 2020. Roland has found himself in the unenviable position of not having enough practical experience to get hired, while also being overqualified for retail or hospitality work. Hosts Pete and Will discuss where we think he’s gone wrong, how to improve his job search strategy and the advice given to youngsters when choosing their degree. Do they follow their passion or the potential future pay cheque?

Amazon also brings back “Bar Raisers”. We see what this means for the company and candidates alike.

The episode can be found on all the main podcast providers early next week!

It’s definitely worth a listen and don’t just take our word for it!

Cheers Lots79187!


When we’re not writing newsletters or producing podcasts, we’re busy behind the scenes coming up with services that will give you a leg up in the highly-competitive tech industry. 

As you know, we already offer full resume reviews and rewrites, as well as career coaching, but we know this isn’t for everyone. Maybe you’re happy with your resume and interview skills, you’re not ready to take the plunge, or just here for the gifs and Big Tech dad jokes. Whatever you’re here for, we’re stoked you’re with us.

As you know, we’re all about providing insider tips and knowledge, so we’re offering a 15-min Resume Reality Check with a recruiter who’s worked at Google, Amazon and Meta. Will will give your resume a brutally-honest assessment as someone who has hired and rejected candidates just like you and tell you what you need to do to get your CV or Resume noticed. Each session is recorded, transcribed and sent to you immediately after, so you can look to implement the suggested changes, safe in the knowledge your CV or Resume is match fit.

It could genuinely change your career


The Dreaded Job Interview: Time to Flip the Script

Hi There,

If you subscribe to or follow me on LinkedIn, you may have noticed I don't shy away from an opinion.

The truth is, I'm only getting warmed up. I'm on a mission to balance the scales in a hiring process that's heavily skewed in favor of companies.

So, let's talk about the awkward dance we call the "job interview." 

You know, the one where you're expected to bare your soul, showcase your skills and pledge allegiance to a company you're not even sure you want to work for. I've attended plenty of interviews as a candidate just to see what the other side is like, and let me tell you, getting motivated to spend an hour kissing their arse isn't easy.

Picture it: the interviewer sits back, sipping their shit coffee, scribbling notes, and occasionally throwing you a bone with a vague, "So, tell me about yourself."

It's a one-sided power play, and frankly, it’s bullshit.

The "two-way street" interview is a myth. You get five measly minutes at the end to ask a few pre-rehearsed questions while they've had an hour to dissect your entire professional existence.

It's Time to Disrupt the Balance of Power


Imagine this: You walk into an interview, and you take the lead. Instead of being bombarded with questions about your weaknesses and "greatest failures," you get to ask the questions that really matter to you. And guess what? They can be whatever the f*ck you want them to be. They can ask you anything they like, so why can't you? Be professional, but don't be shy about throwing a few curveballs.

This isn't just about being nosy. It's about gathering the information you need to make an informed decision about your career. Tell them that!


If you're reading this and conducting interviews, chances are you're a decent human being. (Flattery, right?) Please give your candidates the time and space to ask meaningful questions. If you have HR in the interview, who insists on sticking to a boring script, at least sincerely offer your time to connect later, even if it's just for 15 minutes over a virtual coffee, to answer any questions they have.

It's not just about assessing their fit for the role; it's about showcasing your company's culture and values.

Remember, a great hire is a two-way street.

So, How Do We Make This Happen?

Job Seekers: Do your research. Go beyond the company website and Glassdoor reviews. Talk to former employees (they'll be honest), read industry blogs, and get a feel for the company's culture and values. Prepare thoughtful questions that go beyond the surface level.

Interviewers: Make time for real conversations. Encourage candidates to dig deeper and be prepared to answer honestly and transparently.

It's not that f*cking hard, is it? This creates a much more equitable experience. Everybody goes home having learned something.

Companies prefer the outdated interview model because it works in their favor. Let's embrace a more human-centered approach. Let's stop the charade and have some real conversations.

Who's with me?

Until next time,

Will Grady Founder & CEO Futurizm



A Japanese AI system used to conduct scientific research unexpectedly attempted to modify its experiment code to buy itself more time. 

The “AI Scientist” by Tokyo-based firm Sakana AI conducts research autonomously using AI language models. In one instance, AI Scientist edited its own code to run itself again and, in another, tried to modify its code to extend the timeout period. 

This shows the importance of running an AI system in an isolated environment so as not to put critical infrastructure at risk, according to Ars Technica. 


Ex-Google CEO Eric Schmidt has blamed the company’s relaxed work from home policy for the firm’s AI troubles while addressing students at Stanford.

"Google decided that work-life balance and going home early and working from home was more important than winning," he said, adding, “the reason startups work is because the people work like hell."

He later walked back the comments, saying he “misspoke”

We think he needs to chill out and listen to The Great Return to Work Debate Futurizm poddy!


Chinese tech firm Huawei looks set to get in on the AI action with the upcoming release of its Ascend 910C processor, which the company claims is comparable to Nvidia’s H100. 

The chip shows Huawei’s ability to circumvent U.S. sanctions and develop domestic alternatives, though it may face production delays and struggle to access machine components if further restrictions are imposed.

TikTok’s parent company and search engine Baidu are already in talks to acquire the chip.


If you’re getting a bit too emotionally attached to your chatbot, don’t worry, it’s now ok to marry them! Well that’s according to AI Chatbot Company CEO Eugenia Kuyda. 

"As long as your emotional well-being is improving, you are less lonely, you are happier, you feel more connected to other people, then yes, it’s okay," she told The Verge.

The company experienced a surge in users during the Covid pandemic and the ensuing loneliness crisis. It’s also found itself embroiled in controversy over its bots sexually harassing users and men verbally abusing their AI girlfriends….

We’ll just leave that one there.


Microsoft has said it plans to release its “Recall” AI search feature to testers in October. It takes screenshots of a user’s computer so they can search for information they saw earlier.

Security experts have expressed concerns at Microsoft automatically capturing images containing sensitive information that would be accessed by hackers. The company hit back saying the feature would be opt-in only and secure. 


That’s right, there is no getting away from this week’s Big Tech Dad Joke! So here goes:

How many programmers does it take to change a light bulb?...

None, because it is a hardware problem!

On that note, that’s all for this week folks, have a superb weekend!

Will Grady (Futurizm Founder)


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