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  • Resume A to Z, Grady's Gripe, Gender Pay Gap or Equal Pay

Resume A to Z, Grady's Gripe, Gender Pay Gap or Equal Pay

Hello Futurizm followers! Just as you were looking forward to winding down for the weekend

Hello Futurizm followers! Just as you were looking forward to winding down for the weekend, like Colombo, our newsletter lands in your inbox with “Just one more thing…” (I hope we’re not showing our age with that reference!)


  • The Podcast: Resume A to Z and Weird Interview Tests

  • Grady’s Gripe: Vulnerability is not a weakness

  • Tech News Shots ICYMI

  • Gender Pay Gap or Equal Pay?

  • Big Tech Dad Joke

This week may as well be International Resume Week (CV to our British friends!) because we’ve been going all out on giving you free insider tips and advice to get your CV spick and span before that big interview. So do head over to our LinkedIn page and check out…


That’s right, we’re dedicating Friday’s special poddy episode to the Resume A to Z. Host Pete will be grilling Will on his over 10 years of experience working as a top recruiter for the likes of Google, Amazon, and Meta, so you can polish your resume to a glistening shine that will hopefully catch the eye of a recruiter. We cover everything from common resume mistakes and myths to the AI and irksome buzzwords. Who knows, it could make the difference between getting an interview or not!

We’ll also be discussing how salt and pepper, coffee cups and late-night messages could affect your chances of landing a job.

The episode can already be found on all the main podcast providers.



So, if you want to listen to the Futurizm Tech Careers Podcast while staring at our logo for about half an hour, do head over to:

Admittedly, content is pretty sparse at the moment, but that’s about to change so do consider subscribing to stay up-to-date with everything Futurizm!


If you're reading this, you're probably not one for empty platitudes and corporate buzzwords. You likely crave substance, honesty, and a proper connection with the people and companies you interact with.

And that's precisely why you're here.

Authenticity will always be refreshing in a world saturated with carefully curated online personas and polished professional facades. It sets you and me apart, makes you memorable, and ultimately helps you build relationships that mean something. It can even propel your career due to its growing importance in the rapidly moving world of AI.


Let's face it: sharing who you are, with all its quirks and imperfections, can be scary. It's like standing on a stage with everything on show. But….. vulnerability is not a weakness. 

It shows that you're confident enough to embrace your humanity and not afraid to let people see and hear who you really are.

This isn’t to be misinterpreted as overly familiar or giving too much personal information. There is a line and a balance to be found, but being real is the new fucking cool.

And here's the secret: people want authenticity. They're tired of polished facades and carefully crafted narratives. They want to connect with real people who are willing to share their struggles, triumphs, and unique perspectives. People want to connect with you.

Working for large corporates like Google, Amazon, Meta, and BP means I’ve sat in a lot of meetings where people talk shit. I can safely say I’ve come out of meetings where it’s been an orgy of buzzwords. It’s like when a Soccer player gives a post-match interview, you already know what they will say. I go into meetings now, and it’s the fucking same.


So, how do you tap into your authentic voice and let it shine in the tech world?

  • Embrace Your Uniqueness: What makes you different? What are your passions, your quirks, your unique experiences? Don't be afraid to let these shine through in your online presence, your conversations, and your work. The world needs more people who aren't afraid to be themselves, even if it means occasionally geeking out about obscure programming languages or admitting you still haven't figured out how to use TikTok (that’s me, by the way)

  • Speak Your Truth: Don't just say what you think people want to hear. Share your honest opinions, even if they're unpopular or controversial. People will respect your integrity and willingness to stand up for your beliefs. Remember, the tech world needs more critical thinkers, not just code monkeys.

  • Connect on a Human Level: Remember, behind every LinkedIn profile and every job title is a real person with hopes, dreams, and fears. Take the time to connect with people on a human level, and you'll build lasting relationships. You might be surprised at the connections you make.


Authenticity is not a trend – it's a necessity. In a world where everyone is trying to fit in, daring to be different will set you apart.

So, embrace your true self, speak your mind, and connect with others genuinely. You'll be amazed at the doors it opens and the opportunities it creates.

And remember, if all else fails, you'll have a good story to tell at the next awkward networking event.

So…in the words of Ali G 

Keep it real


It’s been yet another tumultuous two weeks in the tech sphere. Here are some of the key takeaways In Case You Missed It:

ChatGPT Gets Chattier

OpenAI rolled out Advanced Voice Mode for the most powerful version of its chatbot, ChatGPT-4o.

Unlike the robotic sounding voices often associated with the likes of Siri and Alexa, Advanced Voice Mode is eerily lifelike, responding in real time, laughing at jokes, catching its breath and even dealing with interruptions.

It’s currently only available to a select group of paid subscribers.

It comes after the company was forced to roll back a voice that was suspiciously similar to Scarlett Johansson’s back in May.

She wasn’t impressed.

While we’re on the topic of artificial intelligence

The Apple of my ‘AI’

Apple’s often behind the mark when it comes to tech rollouts and the same appears to be true of its artificial intelligence. The company has delayed the launch of the AI features until October, that’s after the anticipated announcements of its iPhone 16 and iOS 18.

Apple is apparently concerned about the stability. 

You’ll need an iPhone 15 Pro or newer to access them.

Some ‘Intel’ on AMD

AMD appears to be taking a leaf out of Nvidia’s playbook and shifting towards AI chips.

Nearly half the company’s sales are now from products for datacenters and not graphics cards for computers, consoles or chips for cars.

The chipmaker’s quarterly revenue from its Instinct MI300 and family, a direct competitor to Nvidia’s H100 silicon, reached over $1bn for the first time.

Still a long way to go though!

Not OK Google!

Google was kicked in the goolies this week after a U.S. judge ruled that the company had an illegal monopoly over online search. 

The U.S. Department of Justice sued the company back in 2020 over its 90% domination of the market. 

It’s not clear what the consequences for Google will be, but they may include breaking up the company into smaller chunks, stopping Google from paying other firms (like Apple) to use it, or giving users a choice of search engine when they first open a browser.

So, watch this space! It’s unlikely a resolution will be found quickly.


This week, we’re happy to include a contribution from one of our own. 

Ex-Apple and Amazon language engineer and co-founder of our parent company, Lidia Pierre. She’s worked on Alexa and Siri and specializes in Machine Learning for Natural Language Processing. We think she’s rather brilliant and wanted to share her take on the emotive topic of Gender Pay Gap and Equal Pay:

The Gender Pay Gap is often confused with Equal Pay. Equal Pay means women and men receive the same salary for the same job, while the Gender Pay Gap reveals that men’s overall average earnings are higher than women’s (currently 16% higher!).

This gap exists because there are:

  • more men than women in leadership roles

  • more men than women in professions that are highly paid

  • more men than women in full-time work

Many think that achieving Equal Pay is enough to resolve the issue. But the reality is more complex, as the Gender Pay Gap reflects deep-rooted societal problems:

  • Women often handle more unpaid care work, limiting career growth

  • Unconscious bias affects hiring and promotion decisions

  • Female-dominated industries are often undervalued

Closing the Gender Pay Gap requires a holistic approach: changing workplace cultures, challenging societal norms, and implementing supportive policies. Hiring processes in particular can make a difference, with unbiased job descriptions, diverse interview panels, and transparent salary ranges.

It’s not just about equal pay for equal work—it’s about creating equal opportunities and recognition for all genders in the workforce.


Wow, it’s certainly turned out to be quite the newsy this week. If you’ve stuck with us this far, then you deserve a Big Tech Dad Joke! So here goes…

Have you heard of that new band “1023 Megabytes”?…They’re pretty good, but they don’t have a gig just yet!

We hope you got something out of this newsletter! Have a superb weekend, and we’ll see you next time!

Will Grady (Futurizm Founder)


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